Friday, November 11, 2022

Winter Begins

 June 2021

June was a month of highs and lows, the trees lost the last of their autumn leaves, and the weather cooled.

We were lucky to have lots of sunny winter days however, leading to walks down to the water, and beautiful sunsets. The café/bar Fabric has especially nice water views, and is always a nice spot for a little glass of wine.
The thing I really like about Hobsonville is that you can see its military history wherever you look. From streets named after planes, old flight hangers repurposed, to the houses on the cliff, which once belonged to the sea captains and their wives. 
Fabric was a part of this history too, built in 1928 and once where aircraft had their wings repaired and re-covered in fabric during World War II (hence the café name). 
Attempting to get my hygge on (one of my favourite ideals to follow in winter) I tried my hand at some more baking experiments, gravitating towards apples with the winter days.
Family came to visit for a belated mid-winter Christmas, leading to much feasting. We made cheese fondue which was delicious as ever, even if we didn't have a way to keep it hot at the table. 
The last time we had made fondue had been in my tiny kitchen in France, where it was only two steps from the old wooden table to the stove, so keeping it warm was less of a problem. I'm spoiled now with a much larger kitchen!
Our yearly tradition of three tiered chocolate mousse made an appearance of course, this time with candied orange peel and lots of orange liqueur throughout. Yum!
And of course, we made the trip to my favourite wine bar on K road, Apero, with lots of excellent food and wine as always. 
And then the downside of the month, my job contract came to an end, and with another lockdown hitting, I was unable to find work. Time to tighten our belts - at least my radishes were growing.

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