Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hong kong Airport and a series of unfortunate events

Excitement at Auckland ready to head off! 
The flight to Hong Kong was long.
I entertained myself with the dig readings I'd been putting off and when I became tired of that, I watched crappy tv (who knew there was a program called the great British bakeoff where the most entertaining moment of the show culminated in a dude putting salt in his cake instead of sugar. Oops)
I then tried to ignore the world and listen to classical music while dozing as the second half of the first leg didnt land til 1:00 am nz time. It failed miserably. No leg room, nowhere to put your feet, you cant curl up because then you'd be squished up against a total strabger (which I doubt either of us woukd have appreciated) and worst of all no bloody head support. I'd have done anything to go back in time and take a headrest with me.
The exchange rate with Hong Kong dollars is pretty interesting though, when I bought a sandwich with euros they gave me 3 euros change. ..except it was 20 Hong Kong dollars. Strange stuff. I felt rich!

And that was about where the fun ended. The airport was huge, I was lost about four times, our departure board was written on a piece of paper that said no gate yet and no one seemed to know what was going on. I asked about 3 different people who all gave different answers so I gave up and stalked a British rugby team that had been on my flight hoping they would lead me to my destination.  Miraculously they did, only for me to be told by an elderly British couple that the flight was at least three hours delayed. Did I mention the announcements were so bad you couldn't understand them even if they had been in English?     

I tried not to fall asleep and miss my flight, entertained myself by taking photos of my shoes and ate my sandwich,  which was rubbish by the way.
After eventually boarding we had turbulence a lot of the way and I finished reading the series 'Emperor's Edge' on my kindle (good series by the way).
 I ended up befriending the lady in the aisle row next to me who was from Melbourne and decided to mother me. She was a welcome distraction from my neighbor who spent the entire time mumbling and singing to himself in Chinese. Awkward.
Upon landing I was greeted by a blast of warm air and a truly beautiful summers day in Rome. I would have enjoyed it more if the airport hadn't smashed both wheels off my suitcase in transit;  I had no idea it was so difficult to drag 20kg of shit across unsealed roads on a sweltering day. Never again! I then took a taxi to my accommodation but he dropped me at a different street with the same name.  After a brief panic I asked a lovely girl for help and ended up with a group of her friends all helping me out and pointing me in the right direction. In English too!! Sometimes strangers can be very kind.
The accommodation is nice though it feels like it might be in a slightly dodgy area, three locked doors though so good security. There are also cool chairs.

My flatmates-for lack of a better word-seem interesting, they are all from Yale or Michigan so I feel a bit out of my depth. Have to be up at 6am tomorrow to be at the dig site by half 7 I think, no idea what to expect so should be interesting. 
Its now half 8 at night and there's no hint of it getting dark (or cooler!) Yet. Will need to buy  a fan and alarm clock tomorrow. 
Probably should get some sleep now with the early start tomorrow. Lets hope things run more smoothly after that series of unfortunate events!

Did I mention the awesome view from the balcony?


  1. Ahh! What a beautiful view, this is so exciting! What are your room-mates like? Have they spoken to you yet? Gawd, I'd be so intimidated if I was with students from Yale, that's pretty amazing! At least you're with people who can (sort of) speak English, hahaha.

    Hurry up and upload some more photos.

    Keep safe, and remember to wear sunscreen. We don't need another surfing episode. ;)

    Love ya x

    1. Gorgeous view right!? unfortunately loud traffic below at all hours of the night! Arg yes i am very intimated especially since a number of them are doing PhDs! Yeah the slang is making me giggle though. They don't know what skulling was and call it chugging! Oh gawd yeah never again I am so careful with sunblock haha!

      Thanks for the message so exciting getting comments on my blog!

      Love you tonnes, xx
