Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Beginning

Wow I can't believe it, in just over four weeks, I'll be on a plane towards Europe and a great many unknowns. Exciting, thrilling, terrifying. 

I feel utterly disorganized even with the number of lists I've made: 

Still at least it's a start, and all the ticks make me feel better! There is something very satisfying about completing lists and seeing the un-ticked items dwindle.

I have all my important documents sorted at least!

So there we have it. A little over a month and i'll be away. No set plan or thought yet apart from the dig, but I suppose that's all part of the adventure and I will work it out as I go. Thank goodness I am a French Citizen, it makes things much, much easier. It gives me the freedom to live and work in most of Europe and the UK pretty much, so I have options at least.

I will have to post a picture of my packed suitcase (when I start packing it) to show my indecisiveness with what to bring, and how much to bring, and what actually fits in the suitcase....I may have to sit on it to get it closed. In fact, I know I will. 

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