April 2019
Around Easter time, Ben's mum and step-dad came out to the UK to visit his mum's parents near Leicester. We took the train up to visit them for a weekend, and they were kind enough to take us on some lovely day-trips. I was dead nervous to meet so many of his family, but they were all lovely and welcoming.
Our first visit was to Bradgate Park, where we meandered along the River Lin, and soaked in the sunshine. Once a medieval deer park, deer still wander the area freely, though we only saw them from afar.
Our first visit was to Bradgate Park, where we meandered along the River Lin, and soaked in the sunshine. Once a medieval deer park, deer still wander the area freely, though we only saw them from afar.
Our walk led us up to Bradgate House, which was built in the 16th century, and is the birthplace of Lady Jane Grey, famous for ruling for 9 days before being overthrown by Mary I.
The whole area felt like something out of Robin Hood, (especially seeing deer in the forest!) and although no Sheriff of Nottingham popped up, it was a wonderful day trip.
The next day they took us to Warwick Castle, which was easily the best castle I've seen in the UK.
The original fort was built by William the Conqueror, though the castle as it remains today dates from medieval times. It had a lovely grassy area in the middle where hordes of people were picnicking - we were incredibly lucky with the weather, and it felt more like mid-summer than spring.
The river Avon runs past the castle, forming part of its natural defenses. On the day we went, kids were learning archery by the river and it all felt wonderfully English. We ended the day with a dungeon experience in the bowels of the castle, where Ben got picked on in every room to be an unwilling volunteer by the different guides. It was hilarious. (He was not amused).
All in all, it was a wonderful weekend, and a lovely way to get to know Ben's family, much helped along by the awesome sightseeing and pub trips (of which there were a few!)
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