Thursday, September 4, 2014

Villages in the provence

A nice German family told us about the prettiest towns in France (a prestigious award of gorgeous villages) and the beautiful flower campsites that could be found via a simple map. We found this great help and it aided us in our decisions on where to go. The funniest thing is that their sons name was contstanine. 

We decided to go to another little village that I forget the name of next. It was interesting as half the town was abobdoned and falling apart and half was lived in, literally one house was an ancient ruin with only dilapidated walls left and the house next door was a well preserved historical dwelling. 

An old stone path from the main road led us to the village, there were no road signs and we had no idea if we were going In the right direction, a tiny well worn track with crumbling stone walls on either side were our only indication of civilization. 

the path soon turned to fortified walls and a little graveyard so we knew we were close to the village. 

We finally reached the little town, silent and empty. 

Little alleys lay in different directions so we wandered for a while, exploring. 

Flowers and ruins lay everywhere.

The old church and above it a ruined castle lay silent and empty, ruined and locked up with dire warnings of guard dogs quelling any urge I had to explore over the wire fence. 

Mysterious ancient paths that seemed so exciting but led to barred gates and the wonderment of what lay beyond. 

The beautiful and ancient church. 

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