Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Fountain of Four Rivers and other such Adventures

Dig on Friday was the hardest day yet. It was hellishly hot in the mid-30s C and it was a huge struggle to keep digging. Everyone was sweating so much it looked like we had just gone swimming, we were all literally soaking in sweat.

 I also ended up looking like a chimney sweep by the end of the day with a thick layer of grime all over me including my face-it was a bit of a surprise when I looked in the mirror! The one amusing thing about the day was that everyone was running around with American flags and other such clothing. And yelling things like 'Merica!' 'Represent!' I found it hilarious.

After Dig that day we decided to go to the piazza Navona which is now my current favorite place in Rome. We walked there rather than taking the tram, and enjoyed taking in the sites and trying not to get lost. We also found a rather fetching lamppost that reminded me of the one in Narnia (from the far land of Spare Oom). 

My favorite thing about the piazza was the central fountain. The fountain of four rivers was very dramatic, my favorite being the Nile, pictured here with his head covered.

Joe also told us an interesting story about Bernini; when he was commissioned to make the statues had been vying to create the cathedral art instead and was rather put out when he didn't get the role. In revenge he created these exquisite statues-all specifically not looking at the church. 

There was also a strange Gollum-like creature featured, apparently this is what happens when someone tries to sculpt an armadillo when they have never seen said creature.

We then decided to try and find somewhere to find a drink away from the square with all the over-priced tourist traps. We went down a little side-street and found a wonderful little restaurant that had 8 euro bottles of wine (obviously not the best quality) we shared it between the four of us and had a lovely evening of chatter.

 We ended up taking the tram back and got in around midnight. It was the best evening I've had so far.

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