Before my Australian friend left, she highly recommended the Churchill War Rooms to me, a massive bunker beneath London from which most of World War II planning was conducted. The bunker itself was huge, full of long passageways, bedrooms, map rooms, typewriters and kitchens. There was a sizable museum below ground also which was really interesting to wander around, unfortunately the lighting was so dim Photos didn't really work.
This was my favourite room, set up exactly as it would have been in the early 1940s for planning. The bunkers went even deeper than we were allowed to go, but there were signs explaining that it led to a crawl space where once couldn't even stand upright, there were no lights or toilets down there either, and this is where the common soldiers slept. It noted that they often braved the air raids than sleep down there.
Officers quarters and a little kitchen.
Lifelike figurines showing daily life, receiving and sending messages out of the bunker.
War map showing how things were during the War (borders etc) and an old typewriter.
More planning rooms, all set up as was when the lights turned out in 1945. Using all the original equipment too.
Some amusing and interesting war propaganda posters, they really show their times.